The project involved earthworks utilising 40t and 100t fleets for the construction of the stage 9 upstream embankment raising of Tailings Storage Facility 2 (TSF2). The project works involved bulk earthworks to raise the perimeter embankments, decant accessway and decant structure.
Tailings Storage Facility 3 (TSF3) is a new 97ha facility with works including clearing, topsoil stripping, 820,000m3 of embankment construction, decant structure and underdrainage. IMC constructed TSF3 with a Komatsu 1250 Excavator and Cat 777 Dump Trucks supplemented with Cat D10 and 98 Dozers, Cat 14 Graders, Cat 740 water trucks, Cat 36t Excavators and 20t pad foot rollers.
The site is located 50km northeast of the township of Wiluna in the Northern Goldfields region of Western Australia.